Saturday, June 09, 2007

Teh Existence of Gawd

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Some bloke decided to rant about that there is not Gwad ok... God in our plane of existence.
There is always someone like that around me.


That was why this blog was revamped to be more eEo(emo),
wif lots of incoherent pics and lots of song lyrics.

I felt that music was my new language and Goth my new style.

People felt that it was too scientific and full of philosophy; too intellectually soapy.

So I am going to make this as understandable to you guys...
who are not so intellectual like me... (Ego level up +1, Jerk ++3)
I am throwing away all the preachy stuff and add only the facts and laws of this place we call teh Universe. (teh is the new the)

Lets do some maths first, 1 + 1 = 2 (YES DUN SAY 3 or HEADS WILL ROLL!!!)
I will not prove the above math in generic terms
cause its stupid.

So you agree that 0 + 0 = 0 ? (you should...)

Now lets say that in the beginning there was nothing,
no electrons,
no protons,
no neutrons,
Then how did this junk of a universe come about? (Sorry Gawd for that, this is eEo bog)

Some guys wif da Phds got this idea of anti-matter;
not bothering wif that as you may not get even that far... you can read up on the internet if you are interested to know of this energy form.
It goes into a long thesis and it is not yet a law(I think... prove me wrong)

So you gotta admit that there has to be something that exist by itself; on its own; by itself; not created by anything...

Then we have this entity... ok call him energy for those pure blooded atheist.

So anyway we have this entity that Christians identify as Gawd and after he made us... you all know the story about the apple.

All man at one point or another have tried to understand the universe both here (earth)and there (the heavens) but what they are doing is in fact; walking towards the source who is God.

I know that it is the fact that many a scientist believe in a origin from Gawd but this is only faced by a different side of the coin that there is no Gawd.

It is quite silly as no one, yes no one is able to prove that Gawd does not exist, Amen. (++ to my little chest of heaven credits... )

Because in the court of law you dun go around prosecuting the defendant with proof that will help the defendant win the case.

All creation points out a freaking point that there is a creator.

(Preachy mode on...)
Will you shut your eyes and hide from the facts?
Is it really ok to choose to go on living your life though
you know that you are heading the wrong way?

Or is it the Ego that is going to hurt? Hey my Ego is far bigger than yours but I know that God is very true and you do not need to convert to Christianity if you say there is God... lol

Ok you cannot escape the preaching part Mr Wong cause you are you... you type wat is on your mind and you hate stupidity. Maybe because I am Stupid in the first place.
Cool, I already hate myself. (Reverting back to trash-talk)

NO! But we are all doing this right? Eh? Self professed atheist?

It is like you go up to God himself and say that you do not believe that he made this earth and that you, Gawd do not exist because earth does not exist.

Hey hey!!! But they do!

So are you implying that it came from a big bang?

lol you know that there has to be TNT for a bang and the TNT may be wat Gawd used to create us, maybe we should start a CULT of The Holy TNT.

And you Know that There has to be a 1 in the equation for that to happen 1 + 0 = 1 ...
Where the heck did the electrons came from?

Drop from the sky? Well thats a good one. I shall write it down as cosmic irony.

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On the other hand I am shocked to find out that Christians are kinda brain washed(most of them mostly).

If you have not thought about how simple is to prove That God Does Exist.

You may be really lost.

For you who find this idea new... you need to redirect your thinking...
That is to start thinking now.

"I have always thought it curious that, while most scientists claim to eschew religion, it actually dominates their thoughts more than it does the clergy"
Fred Holye

His words are so much more cultured than my rant... thats a good sign.

I will be less aggressive in real life if I am more here.

This was why I decided not to brood over such matters... it hurts the brain and the heart whines in pain at the work of my hands.

NOTE: I have done all means to all eEo words and bad spelling to this rant and it remains but a rant, it for you punks... They have no bearing and the pictures are of their respective owners... dun sue mah... Its cool guys I can type like all of yah punks. I am sooo glad I got this off mah chest. To punks, its cool yeh.(additional wooo and yeah and woot and watnot.)