Thursday, August 23, 2007


Dancing to the Music

I went to check out some music gizmo today wif uncle Rong Fa...
I found what I want... a good set of head phones...

Beyerdynamics DT series.

It was real good when I tested it out there in their room.
He was skeptical about my choice of headphones since it only cost $450.
OK... his was $2k so he has the right to be skeptical.
But he was converted after he tried it on a Icool amplifier...

Basically he though it was the $2600 amp that was doing all the work.
So the sales person switched over to the Icool $180 amplifier.
It owned too!!!

I must add that he had a really good CD deck and amp up there...
I looked at the stuff and it was hitting the $6k mark.
-.= damn where am I going to get the cash?

So I will start with the headphones.
I am still lost at which type I should get.
A closed type or a opened one?
Sure, I want both but I will have to save up for even one. -.-
I can't wait to start working and earning some cash.

Here is the cool stuff.
Though not the exact model I was looking at.

And here is the Amp... $2.6k really good.
Totally blows!!!

Ok, enough of the wants in my life... It is not good kids.
Be Self fulfilled... be contented..?

Let the lecture begin ~

Simple is beautiful.
The masters of any given field always go back to the basics, the fundamentals, the bare essentials of their craft.

The fancy stuff is nice, but the real cool shit is minimalist.

Drum and bass.
Color and light.
Meter and rhyme.

And the works that grab us are usually built on the simplest of concepts-- a love song, the hero myth, the afterworld.

Of course, this is not recommended for all professions, like say, medicine.
If I ever go under the knife, I don't want some quack trying to go "minimalist" on me.
I'll be in pain cuz he won't give me any drugs, and he'll be like, "Hey, I'm retro."

Or pilots.
Those guys definitely shouldn't be getting too avant garde.
"Attention. This is your pilot speaking. I thought I'd break down my craft to its bare essentials. Hold on, everybody."

But yeah. In regards to my headphones and my amp.
It is a simple piece of equipment.
It comes in two pieces, the amp and the headphone.
You pluck all the cables in and then wear the headphones to hear beautiful music.

Yes it is that simple.
Bare minimum.
No avant garde.
Only the price tag.

Damn, I still can't get away with this.