Thursday, July 09, 2009

Return of the Angel

We will move on

It has been a while... 3 years since my last post.
Much change has come to pass.
As I checked back, most of the links from my blog are dead.
And hence, the Backspace button had to be used.
Ah, the passing of friends to acquaintances and from there to strangers...

It's great to still see friends updating their Blogs, only 2 have remained on my list now...
As time drags a curtain over us and as our paths diverge we can do nothing but let time do its part.

I am in NS now. One more year to go.
I have not decided what to do after that, but I guess I should further my studies.
I have not even signed up for anything yet.
There are far too many crossroads in life, Damn.

Omg... I just noticed something about the picture... there are 3 people in it.
corresponding to the number of links from my Blog.
And to make matters more creepy, there is exactly 2 Guys and 1 Gal in the pic.
How appropriate. (caption should read: YOSH!!! I HAVE RETURNED, ONWARD TO GLORY!!!)
But I have to agree that one of them really does put the word resemblance in.